RAS Cataloging Committee Charge and Membership


AJL RAS Cataloging Committee





(based upon the 10/27/99 revision of the AJL Handbook and later comments or corrections)


The charge of the RAS Cataloging Committee is to act a liaison with the Policy and Standards Division (PSD) of the Library of Congress on issues affecting Judaica cataloging including subject problems raised by RAS Division members, and suggest possible solutions; and to educate members as to new policies or procedures affecting Judaica cataloging in the form of workshops at AJL conferences and/or a cataloging column in one of the AJL publications.




The committee consists of five members and the chair; with the approval of the RAS Division president, the chair may ask a member to serve in the capacity of vice-chair.  The RAS president shall be an ex-officio member to advise on organizational policy, etc.; a senior cataloger at the Library of Congress also serves as an ex-officio member.  The chair is appointed by the president of RAS in consultation with the RAS Executive Board. Members are appointed by the chair for a period of two years with the possibility of one additional term at the discretion of the chair. After completion of two complete terms, the member is asked to rotate off the committee.  In other words, members may not serve more than two consecutive terms (four years) on the committee.  However, at the discretion of the chair, members who have served two consecutive terms may rejoin the committee after a term off the committee.  Before consenting to the committee appointment, members should be strongly encouraged to attend the AJL in-person conferences, since this is the only opportunity for the committee to meet as a group in person.


Current Members (as of June 2023):


Name Institution Membership Email
Daniel Scheide
Florida Atlantic University
Chair, term 1: 2023-2025
Lili Brown
Stanford University
Member, term 1: 2023-2025


David Floyd Binghamton University Member, term 1: 2023-2025


Nora Dolliver
New York Public Library
Member, term 1:2022-2024
David Roth
National Library of Israel

Member, term 1: 2020-2022

Member, term 2: 2022-2024

Haim Gottshalk
Library of Congress

Member, term 1: 2023-2025

Joan Biella
Library of Congress, emerita
Member, ex officio, lifetime

Aaron Taub

Library of Congress, RAS president
Member, ex officio, 2022-2024



Past members




Agendas & Minutes

See home page for full list of Agendas, Minutes, etc.








Broward County Public Library