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Agenda 2023

Page history last edited by Jasmin Shinohara 3 months, 3 weeks ago



AJL RAS Cataloging Committee Virtual Annual Meeting

15 June 2023, 12pm-1:30pm EDT (11:00am CDT, 9:00am PDT, 6:00pm CEST, 7:00pm IDT) | Zoom


Old Business


  1. Welcome, designate notetaker (Neil, 3 min)
  2. Approve minutes from Summer 2022 meeting (Neil, 2 min.)
  3. Committee membership and chair (Neil, 5 min.)


Continuing/New Business


  1. Possible modification of the current LC Classification Schedule caption in the BM674.6-BM674.76 range (Haggadot texts) to include the option of cuttering for commentator (or if necessary, publisher) (Asher, 10 min.)
  2. HCM-RDA updates/revisions (Jasmin, 5 min.)
  3. NLI updates (David 10 min.)
  4. Training new catalogers (Haim, Jasmin, Aaron, 10 min.)
  5. LCSH updates and discussion
    1. Jewish-Arab relations/Arab-Israeli conflict new and revised headings (Jasmin, Aaron, 15 min.)
    2. BC/AD to BCE/CE in NARs and SARs (Jasmin. 3 min.)
    3. Proposed task force to identify Christian bias in LCSH and procedures to change them (Marlene, Haim?, 10 min.)
    4. Other projects
      1. Ashkenazi rite (Jasmin, 2 min.)
      2. Tree of Life/Tree of Knowledge (Haim, 5 min.)
  6. Update on Hungary class numbers (Haim, 5 min.)


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