AJL RAS Cataloging Committee Virtual Annual Meeting
16 June 2022, 11:30am-1pm EDT (10:30am CDT, 8:30am PDT, 5:30pm CEST, 6:30pm IDT) | Zoom
Old Business
- Welcome, designate notetaker (Neil, 3 min)
- Approve minutes from Winter 2022 AJL RAS Cataloging Committee meeting (Neil, 2 min.)
Continuing/New Business
- Are kovets, mahberet, likut to be considered for inclusion in the “droppable word” list? (Aaron, 10 min.)
- NLI updates (David 10 min.)
- Diversity in LCSH: Considering being more specific with Jewish liturgy as Ashkenazi rite (if specified) instead of assuming that all liturgy is Ashkenazic by default unless otherwise specified (Jasmin, 10 min.)
- Recruiting and training new catalogers (Haim, 10 min.)
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