
Agenda 2021 Summer

Page history last edited by Jasmin Shinohara 7 months ago

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AJL RAS Cataloging Committee Virtual Annual Meeting

17 June 2021, 12:30-2pm EST| Zoom 


Old Business


  1. Welcome (Neil, 3 min)
  2. Approve minutes from Winter 2021 AJL RAS Cataloging Committee meeting (Neil, 2 min)
  3. Updates on committee membership: Recognition of outgoing members, welcoming new ones (Neil, 5 min)


New Business


     1. Catalogers’ forum – a place where catalogers can talk, maybe once a month, about cataloging issues (Haim, 10 min)

     2. New RDA Toolkit's Community Resources section and the Judaica/Hebraica community (Ahava, 10 min)

     3. Use of Wikidata in creating NARs (Yossi, 5 min)

               a. See: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Main_Page

               b. Example: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q6560822

     4. Update on BM201-449 class schedule expansion (Gabe, Haim, Marlene, 10 min)

     5. Topics for discussion in different forums (workshops/panels/round-tables):

               a. succession planning for Judaica catalogers (10 min)

               b. Christian bias in LCSH; Anglo-Centric taxonomies; bias in cataloging; reactions to Cataloging Code of Ethics (10 min)

     6. Other business (5 min)


Future Business


  1. Helping libraries that have a Hebraica/Judaica collection but no cataloger (Haim)
  2. Updating HCM-RDA to reflect the approved proposal to allow inclusion of patronymic in NARs regardless of the placement of the patronymic element (Jasmin, Neil)

      3. What constitutes "Sacred Works"? Should we have a list of such works? (Heidi, Robert)

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