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Agenda 2021 Winter

Page history last edited by Jasmin Shinohara 1 year, 4 months ago

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AJL RAS Cataloging Committee Virtual Midyear Meeting

3 March 2021, 12:30-2pm EST | Zoom 


New Business


     1. Welcome, Introductions (Neil, all, 30 minutes)

               a. Approve minutes from 2020 AJL RAS Cataloging Committee meeting (Neil, 2 minutes)

     2. Incoming coordinator of Hebrew NACO/BIBCO/SACO funnels (Neil, Heidi, 5 minutes)

     3. Patronymics in NARS (Haim, Aaron, 5 minutes)

     4. New class number schedule for history of Judaism by region or country (Marlene, 15 minutes) 

               "The current schedule (BM201-449) reflects some general geographic approach, which allocates some sparsely populated countries with little Jewish presence a full class number, while Hungary has just one cutter under 'Other European countries'."  

     5. Other business


Future (2021 Summer) Business


  1. New RDA Toolkit's Community Resources section and the Judaica/Hebraica community (Ahava)

               a. What content should be in the section?

               b. Who should be responsible for it?

      2. What constitutes "Sacred Works?" Should we have a list of such works (Heidi, Robert)

      3. Use of Wikidata in creating NARs (Yossi, 5-10 minutes)

               a. See: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Main_Page

     b. Example: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q6560822

     4. Update from Marlene on class schedule expansion

     5. Christian bias in LCSH    

     6. Other business


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